Foundation Year: 2018
Languages spoken in this facility:
English, Turkish
Supported Currencies:
Australian Dollar, British Pound Sterling, Canadian Dollar, Czech Koruna, Danish Krone, Euro, New Zealand Dollar, Norwegian Krone, Polish Zloty, Romanian Leu, Singapore Dollar, Swedish Krona, Swiss Franc, Turkish Liras, UAE Dirham, US Dollar
Compatible OS:
Android, HarmonyOS, iOS
International Shipping: Yes
Product Categories:
Arts, Antiques & Handicrafts, Automotive, Beauty and personal care, Electronics, Fashion & Clothing, Home, Kitchen & Household, Industrial, Technical & Scientific, Sports and Outdoors, Toys, Games & Video Games

About e-Shopping Platform is the official’s Turkey branch.

With, you can order the goods you will need on your Turkey trip. Short story, surprisingly has the fastest delivery speed, enabling you to place your order only 1 day prior for it to be delivered to you next day!

Pros of

  • Safe ordering experience

As it is a branch of Official, all your rights are protected by the company; including billing issues, delivery issues, etc.

  • Fastest Delivery among all e-shopping platforms

Compared to other local e shopping platforms, I can proudly say that has the fastest deivery speed.

  • No billing issues guaranteed

Foreign cards are accepted as well! uses Iyzico Inc. as its payment processor; and it accepts payment from foreign cards as well.

Cons of

  • Lack of product variety

Compared to other popular e-shopping platforms, does not make a great job with product variety; mainly because it is not the most popular e-shopping platform in Turkey.

  • Lack of product description

There are a lot of copy paste materials and pictures from Turkish sellers; not a lot of attention is given

  • Lack of product evaluation & comments

There are a lot of copy paste materials and not enough comments for many products. It makes it really hard to trust & order due to lack of evaluations and comments.

Note: Be careful not to order from to Turkey; as the delivery time will be significantly higher; as well as a PTT carrier’s border tax. As long as seller is listed as “”, you will be fine. Happy shopping!

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